Volume 10, Issue 1
1. A Profile of Female Breast Cancer Patients in a Kenyan Urban Private Hospital
W Makanga, R Wasike, H Saidi
2. The Spectrum of Paediatric Congenital Heart Disease at The Kenyatta National Hospital: Implications for Surgical Care
M Awori, S Ogendo
3. Aetiology of Urethral Strictures at Moi Teaching and Refferal Hospital
EL Mugalo, SO Bwombwongo, PO Ayuo
4. Venomous Snake Bite Injuries at Kitui District Hospital
D Kihiko
5. Presentation, Management and Outcome of Penile Fractures in a Nigerian Tertiary Hospital
JO Agbugui, EO Obarisiagbon, EO Osaigbovo, JC Okolo, CI Okojie
6. Incidence of Surgical Site Infections and Microbial Pattern at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre
SK Kitembo, SG Chugulu
7. Early Outcome of the Types of Urethroplasty in a Tertiary Centre in Northern Tanzania
J Igenge, P Musau, AK Mteta
8. Safe Resection and Primary Anastomosis of Gangrenous Sigmoid Volvulus
B Riogi, K Odhiambo
9. Bridging the Gap Between Surgery and Gastroenterology: Is There a Role for the Medical Officer Endoscopist?
M Mwachiro, R White, S Burgert
10. Blind Naso-Endotracheal Intubation
CM Mwangi, K Koech, C Kabetu
11. Incisional Endometriosis;Two Case Reports
C Sofianos, C Sofianos
12. Intentional Unilateral Epidural Block for Surgery in a Pregnant Patient
S Okelo, JG Kabugi
13. Surgical Excision Of A Craniopharynginoma By Transcallosal Septum Pellucidum Interforniceal Approach
J Kong, JF Kahamba