Volume 4
1. Anatomy teaching: Flexnerian model to contextualized vertical integration?
H Saidi
2. Surgery for ureteral complications of bilharziasis
GA Maranya, AY Al-Ammary, PR Oduor
3. Experience with Hirschsprung's Disease at a Tertiary Hospital in Kenya
K Ongeti, H Saidi, J Ogeng'o, M Tharao
4. Topography and distribution of ostia venae hepatica in the retrohepatic inferior vena cava
PK Bundi, JA Ogeng'o, J Hassanali, PO Odula
5. Thyroid cancers in nodular goitres in Northwestern Nigeria
ST Edino, AZ Mohammed, O Ochicha, SA Malami
6. Anatomy training for surgeons: Which way for the future?
JA Ogeng'o
7. Ureteric injuries following laparoscopic hysterectomy: A report of three cases
RB Parkar, Y Patel, A Chudasama
8. Tumour, Torsion or Trauma?
M Nduhiu, PG Mburugu
9. Abdominal cocoon: A case report
KD Ojuka, L Okutoyi
10. Local corticosteroid injections: Rational use in common orthopaedic problems
KO Awori