Volume 5
1. Editorial: Surgical Audit
S.W.O Ogendo
2. Pattern of Extracranial Peripheral Aneurysm at a Referral Hospital in Kenya
J.A Ogeng'o, B.O Olabu, J Ogeng'o
3. Patterns of Injuries After Road Traffic Crashes Involving Bodabodas
J.W.M Kigera, E.K Naddumba
4. Safety of thyroidectomy at a rural district hospital in Kenya
D.K Ojuka
hospital (Nairobi)
S.M Gakinya, S Sayed, R Chauhan
6. Redisplacement Rates after Reduction and Cast Immobilization of Isolated Distal Radial Fractures
D Ojuka, J Ating'a
7. Evaluation of POSSUM and P-POSSUM as predictors of mortality and morbidity in patients undergoing laparotomy at a referral
hospital in Nairobi, Kenya
M.M Kimani, J.N Kiiru, M.M Matu, T Chokwe, H Saidi
8. Post-Anastomotic Enterocutaneous Fistulas: Associated Factors and Spontaneous Closure at a Tertiary Centre in Western Kenya
P Musau, G Jumbi, P Parklea
9. Severe necrotizing infection of the perineum: beyond necrosectomy
M Abdihakin, H Saidi
10. Sigmoid volvulus in pregnancy
W.O Kaisha, C Bitta
11. Adenocarcinoma of the Colon in a 10-year-old child
M.M Siboe, R.O Abdalla, K.C Lakati, P Oduor, M.M Siboe
12. Subcutaneous Sarcoidosis in a Nigerian female
A.A Yakubu, S.T Edino, A.Z Mohammed, A Yakubu
13. Calicovesicostomy for ureteropelvic junction obstruction in a solitary ectopic pelvic kidney
S.K Chavda, R Nayyar, P Singh, N.P Gupta, G Narmada