Volume 9, Issue 2
1. Experience of a Newly Set up Breast Clinic in a Resource Limited Hospital
B Riogi, K Odhiambo
2. Breast transillumination a viable option for breast cancer screening in limited resource settings?
EA Elobu, M Galukande, D Namuguzi, Z Muyinda
3. The Impact Of Dental Auxiliaries In Oral Health Delivery In Cameroon
MA Agbor, CC Azodo
4. The Pattern and Outcome of Chest Injuries in South West Nigeria
AB Ogunrombi, UU Onakpoya, U Ekrikpo, AK Adesunkanmi, IE Adejare
5. Typhoid Ileal Perforation: A Review of a Rural District Hospital Experience
KD Ojuka
6. Surveillance of injuries among Kenya Rugby Union (KRU) players in Season 2010
N Muma, H Saidi, JW Githaiga
7. Retroperitoneal fibrolipoma: A tumor bigger than its bite
S Chavda, D Kanyata
8. The Presentation Of Cryptorchidism At Consolata Hospital Nyeri
JH Ilkul, WM Wahinya, AS Mwenda
9. Clinical Assessment of the Palmaris Longus; Accuracy of common tests
JWM Kigera, S Mukwaya