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1. Island Singapore Flap Vaginoplasty of Two Adult Cases of Mayer– Rokitansky–Küster–Hauser Syndrome Type I
Alex Okello Wamalwa, Stanely Ominde Khainga
2. Schistosoma Mansoni Proctocolitis with Polyposis
Fridah Bosire, Ian Orwa, Michael Mwachiro, Robert Parker, Russell White
3. Mountain Papaya Seeds Causing Fecal Impaction in Children
Julie Ituku, Mathenge Nduhiu
4. Perineal Ectopic Testis in an Adult
Gilbert Maranya, Bernard Mwero
5. Plummer-Vinson Syndrome with Improvement After Iron Repletion
Valerian Mwenda, Jackson Njuguna, Ancent Nzioka
6. Orbito-Maxillofacial Cutaneous Anthrax
Kamau M, Mpekethu M, Guthua S, Macigo F
7. Reconstruction of Complex Post-Traumatic Perineal/Pelvic Defects Using a Pedicled Anterolateral Thigh Flap in a Child
Nthumba P, Hansen E, Jami M, Muchiri A, Nyoro P
8. Massive Cervico-Lingual Cystic Hygroma
Odhiambo WA, Karega A, Kalisa L, Dimba E
9. Cordylobia Anthropophaga: Furuncular Myiasis in a Family of 3
Mayabi L, Badawy M, Abdallah A
10. Parasitic Rachipagus Conjoined Twins: Surgical Management and Follow-up of a Case in Kenya
Oduor PR, Nyamai K
11. The ‘Vanishing Breast’: An Unusual Presentation of Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma
Mwenda AS, Ilkul JH
12. Degloving Penile Trauma In A 12 Year Old Boy: Case Report
Kihiko DK
13. Lithopedion Causing Intestinal Obstruction
Riogi B, Odhiambo K, Ogutu O
14. Unusual Bones Articulating With the Pelvic Girdle
Otsyeno FM, Atinga JEO
15. Fetus in Fetu: A Case Report and Review of Literature
Wobenjo A, Osawa F
16. Severe Necrotizing infection of the Perineum: Beyond Necrosectomy
Abdihakin M, Saidi H
17. Abdominal cocoon: A case report
D. Ojuka, L. Okutoyi
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